
【毕业·声】唐勋哲:主动出击,把“被动”走成旷野 | IHP国际高中




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He, who maintains a sensitive insight and strong curiosity about the world, is always able to interpret everything around him from different perspectives. Even in the face of heavy difficulties, he has never been confined. Instead, he keeps open-minded, looking for the solution actively. His mature, unique, and extraordinary way of thinking and strong belief in the future made him stand out in the competitive application, and eventually gained the offers from his ideal university. This fall, he will go to a new country to start a new chapter in his life. Today, we are going to talk about the story of Niko.






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I spent the first 15 years of my life in Beijing, which created my Beijing accent and northern habits. Due to my mother's job transfer, I came to Guangzhou from north to south. Everything in Guangzhou was unfamiliar to me, and there were countless moments when the phrase “being alone in a new place is like being a stranger” came to my mind, which fit the current situation. I had a rough start in school, and I didn't do well academically.


★ Niko在成人礼与班主任陈老师

但是随着课程的推进,我渐渐开始适应,适应的开始来自于我的老师Mr. Ripp。三年前的时刻对我来说就像近在眼前,我清楚地记得我们谈到的第一本小说是《动物农场》,这本书像是一把打开心扉的钥匙,我仍记得书中的思想以及隐含的论调对于在封闭公立高中的我带来的冲击。

我从小就是一个对人文历史有独特兴趣的人,初中闭塞重复的知识好像让我的心略微蒙尘。好在Mr. Ripp对于文字的理解以及思想的输出让我焕然一新。随着课程的深入,我越发意识到自己的傲慢以及眼高手低,如今的知识不过蚍蜉撼树。苏格拉底曾说过:认识到自己的无知,乃是开启智慧的大门。在Mr. Ripp的课堂上,每一个观点都值得被尊重,每一次发言都值得被倾听。他的教育增加了我对人文社科的热情,在某种程度上也促进了我的专业选择,我的成长少不了Mr. Ripp的支持。

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But as the program progressed, I began to adapt, and the adaptation came from my teacher, Mr. Ripp. Three years ago seems as close as now to me, and I vividly remember the first novel we talked about was Animal Farm, which was like a key to unlock my heart, and I can still remember the impact that the ideas and implicit arguments in the book had on me, who had been a student in a closed public middle school.

I had a unique interest in the humanities and history since I was a child, and the closed and repetitive knowledge of middle school seemed to have dulled my mind. Fortunately, Mr. Ripp's understanding of the word and the output of his ideas refreshed me. As the lessons progressed, I became more and more aware of my arrogance and my short-sightedness. Socrates once said that recognizing your own ignorance is the door to wisdom. In his classroom, every point of view deserved to be respected and every statement deserved to be heard. His education increased my passion for the humanities and social sciences, and in some ways promoted the choice of my major.


★ Mr. Ripp与Niko在探讨相关学习内容






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"Imagine an iron house: without windows or doors, utterly indestructible, and full of sound sleepers," I murmured under my breath as I carefully read through Call to Arms, one of Lu Xun's most famous short stories, "Is it right to cry out, to rouse the light sleepers among them, causing them inconsolable agony before they die?"

The brief but powerful sentences captured my heart immediately. Even days after I finished reading the story, the questions raised by Lu Xun still lingered in my mind. I was soon immersed in Lu Xun's sensitive descriptions of social problems, exaggerated characters, and vivid analogies. Back then, I would stay up late and be completely absorbed in Lu Xun's novels, forgetting about the time. The intensity of Lu Xun's social vision made reading his stories an incredibly inspiring experience. They sparked my awareness of social issues and my desire to educate myself about the changes in society.





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From then on, I have devoted the majority of my spare time to observing social phenomena, following current global news, and looking into societal changes using my theoretical knowledge. Through these activities, I found myself suddenly on a track filled with great energy, vitality, and dynamism. For me, the long hours of studying sociology theories appeared to be magical times of my life, and every moment of understanding our society was worth savoring. An enormous sense of excitement never felt before overwhelmed me as I engaged in social-related activities. 

IHP has given me rich opportunities for social practice. I have participated in volunteer works many times under the organization of IHP, collecting donations for children in the poor areas and serving some special groups. I feel much more content about engaging in social-related activities out of my inherent satisfaction rather than the desire to earn rewards from others. Moreover, these experiences seemed to reawaken my moral courage, which enabled me to stand up for what I strongly believe in, even when I run up against considerable opposition.

In the future, I aspire to be a positive force for social progress. If anyone ever asked why, I would love to quote words from my role model, Lu Xun, "because there was still hope, hope that the iron house may one day be destroyed."


★ Niko与同学






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The ancient Greek philosopher, Epictetus, once said: we get on the stage and perform the play that we do not choose. When we think about it, it is true that we can decide very few things in our life. We may only decide 5% of the things. There are 95% of the things we can not decide, we can not decide our origin, we can not decide our birth, we can not decide who will help us in our life. However, I think this doesn't mean that we have to passively accept the arrangement of fate. On the contrary, we should take the initiative to grasp our own life and do our best to interpret the established script. 

Just as Eisenhower's mother once told Eisenhower, "When you play cards, even if you catch the worst card, you have to finish the game. Because you never know if the worst card will win in the end." Similarly, although each of us can't fully control our innate conditions, there are still 5% of things under our control. The key lies in how to utilize these controllable factors to fully develop your potential.


★ Niko曾在才艺秀上献



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Just as I once passively moved from Beijing to Guangzhou, I didn't complain about the unfamiliar situation, but tried my best to adapt to the changes and make the best use of all the controllable factors. In the end, I found what I love, my dear friends, and my own lifestyle and development direction in the new environment.

The era we live in is fortunate and diversified. The arrival of the Internet has infinitely minimized the threshold of acquiring knowledge. In this age of challenges and opportunities, it is more necessary for us to keep an open mind, to learn and to change ourselves constantly. We need to abandon stereotypes, and see the world from a changing perspective. Only in this way can we grasp every opportunity and brilliantly express our own life in this rapidly changing era.




★ Niko与老师们的合照


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During his three years of high school, Niko has been drawing nutrients from the fertile soil of IHP, and his vision has become broader and broader, his thinking become more and more unique, and himself become more and more mature. Blessings to Niko, hope you will eventually carry the ideal, free to fly in the endless sky!

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