Devotion to My 18 | IHP国际高中「十八志 · 致十八」成人礼
时间步履不停 转眼已是十八个春秋 告别了懵懂稚嫩 迎来了成熟稳重 成年,乘势,也乘风 从此刻起 推开新世界的大门 以赤诚的梦想照亮前路 继续追随心之所向 不惧风雨,不怕惊涛 以无数个满怀期待的今天 书写更加灿烂盛大的明天 Swipe for the English Time never stops. Eighteen years have passed in a flash. We are no longer naive and childish, and we become mature and responsible. From this moment on, we open the door to a brand new world. Please keep pursuing you dreams, don't be afraid of the challenges and setbacks. Write a more splendid and grand tomorrow along with all this blessings
在“十八”立志,致敬成年,奋斗不息,奔赴理想。2023年12月18日,华外国际高中IHP「十八志 · 致十八」成人礼在秀丽剧院盛大开幕。华外党支部书记、总校长朱子平先生,华外总校副校长兼创新融合部校长黄彦女士,美国得州国际领袖学校中国区总经理金艳女士,华外IHP国际高中家委会会长谭国戬先生、创新融合部管理团队以及十二年级学生家长们出席了本次典礼,共同见证各位学子的成长。
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At the age of 18, we set our wills, and run towards our dreams. On December 18 2023, the IHP Youth & Growth Ceremony was grandly opened in the Show Theatre. Mr. Zhu Ziping, Secretary of the Party Branch and Chief Principal of Huawai, Ms. Huang Yan, Vice Principal of Huawai, Principal of IHP, Ms. Jin Yan, General Manager of the International Leadership School of Texas China, Mr. Tan Guojian, President of the IHP Parents' Committee, the management team of the I-EP & IHP, and the parents of the G12 students were present at the ceremony.
牵着爸爸妈妈的手 跨过烙有时间印记的阶梯 我们从0岁走向了十八 小棉袄长成了小骄傲 小骑士也变成了大后盾 Swipe for the English Holding the hands of mum and dad, Crossing the stairs marked by time, We've grown from babies to 18-year old youths. We will be the pride and glory of our parents. 铮铮国歌声 满满热血情 以最庄严的仪式 迎接最难忘的时刻 Swipe for the English Raised the national flag, and played the national anthem Welcomed the most unforgettable moment with the most solemn ceremony. ★ 成人礼主持人为罗小朵、Mr. Rittmann、洪梓嫚 The hosts are Dora, Rittmann and Chelsea 十八岁,逐梦之旅缓缓展开 人生奋斗也迎来了关键时刻 朱校长为成人礼亲切致辞 望同学们拼搏奋斗,不负年华 Swipe for the English At 18, we are on they way to pursue the dreams, our life has ushered in the critical moment. Principal Zhu gave us a cordial speech. He hoped that all of us can keep fighting. 成人礼这样的仪式,是要提醒我们,要告别幼稚,走向成熟;告别任性,走向理性;告别他律,走向自律。明确自身在社会和法律上的责任,成为人格完善、素质全面、有理想、有能力、有担当的人。所以,在这个庄严时刻,我相信我们的家长们,我们的老师们,一定有很多的话要对你们说,而我想说的是:请担起责任,做更好的自己!(节选) —— 华外总校长:朱子平先生 Swipe for the English By this ceremony, we say goodbye to childishness, capriciousness, and indolence, and move towards maturity, rationality, and self-discipline. Please clarify our own social and legal responsibilities, become a well-rounded responsible person who have ideals and ability. Therefore, at this solemn moment, I believe that our parents, our teachers have a lot to say to you, and I want to say is that taking the responsibility, be a better self. (Part) --- Mr. Zhu, the principal of Huawai 青年的我们 是华外灿烂的荣光 更是国家与世界崭新的未来 观看毛主席立志视频 听毛主席的话 立大志,立长志,下猛劲,成大事!

站在十八岁的门槛,回首过往 我们收获了许多美好与感动 校长、老师、家长们的诗朗诵 深情款款,祝福切切,嘱托声声 这是一份最真情的告白 也是世间最美丽的语言 感恩父母,感谢恩师 让我们在这个充满爱的世界里 奋发前行,开启全新的未来 Swipe for the English Looking back to the past, we had many beautiful and touching moments With deep feelings, blessings, and wishes, principal, teachers and parents performed a poem recitation to us. It were such a sincere and beautiful language. We were grateful to them and because of their love, we are confident to face this new world 在一声声寄语中,通过“成人门” 踏上“成人”路,经过“立志门” 佩戴徽章,领取气球 亲爱的孩子们 请你们铭记气球上的这八个词语 责任、青春、感恩、忠诚 决断、勇气、公正、态度 愿你们懂担当 愿你们更稳重 Swipe for the English With the blessing, we passed through the "adult gate", stepped on the "adult road", and reached the "devotion gate ". as well as wore the badge and got the balloons. Dear children, please remember the eight words printing on the balloon Responsibility, Youth, Thanksgiving, Loyalty Decisiveness, Courage, Justice, and Bearing May you be more responsible and mature. 十八岁意味着责任,意味着承担 接过《中华人民共和国宪法》和立志誓言 庄严宣誓 声声震耳,字字铿锵 以最崇高的敬意迎接人生的里程碑 Swipe for the English Eighteen means responsibility Received the Constitution of China and the Pledge of growth. Took the oath serious We embraced this milestone in our lives with the highest respect. 值此神圣之时刻,吾以青春之名义,庄严宣誓:古往圣贤,皆有立志。志不立,则无可成之事;有志者,则事竟成。故吾辈青年才俊,当以中华民族复兴为己任,先人后己,先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。奋发图强,砥砺前行,知晓古今,学贯中西,上报国家,下报父母,必将为社会之中流砥柱。 Swipe for the English On this solemn date of Dec. 18, 2023, we sincerely swear: We devote ourselves to the renaissance of Great China, assuming the exceptional leadership roles in the international community, becoming the mainstay of the society. 从我们来到这个世界的那天起 父母就一直无微不至的关爱着我们 是他们给予了我们最幸福的避风港 一首《真的爱你》 爱,永不褪色 把我们最诚挚的感谢 唱给最亲爱的爸爸妈妈们 Swipe for the English From the day we came into this world, our parents have been caring for us. They have given us the happiest shelter. The song "I really love you”, expressed our most sincere thanks to our dear mums and dads 来自十二年级的崔慧子同学 作为学生代表上台发言 雏鹰展翅,搏击风雨 我们已做好了准备 迎接人生新的挑战 Swipe for the English Scarlett Cui from G12 gave a speech as a student's representative. Like an eagle spreading its wings, we are ready to meet the new challenges of life. 所以18岁的我说想对我们说:“现在你就应该真正成为你。”这个你就应该像余秋雨先生所说:“明亮而不刺眼,有无需再对周围察言观色、向他人申述求告的大气。你能够看到山水风雨的高度,但并不陡峭,所以白昼你也可以躺着,夜里你也可以呼喊。”(节选) —— 学生代表:崔慧子 Swipe for the English Therefore, as an eighteen-year-oldadult, I want to say to all of us: "Now is the time for you to become real yourself." As Mr. Yu Qiuyu said, "be bright but not dazzling, making an atmosphere that no longer need to look around and pleased with others. You can see the height of the landscape and the storm, but it is not steep, so you can lie down in the daytime, and you can also shout at night." --- Scarlett, student representative 愿你们守初心、有信念 带着“成人”的使命与担当 认真谱写往后的生活 Mr. Evans的谆谆教诲 希望同学们牢记心中 Swipe for the English May you have goals and keep running don't forget the responsibility of "adults", and write your unique story with heart. We hope the advice from Mr. Evans, can be remembered by all of you carefully 因此,我鼓励你们每个人不仅要为未来五年设定目标并建立日常例行工作和学习的规律,而且要在接下来的岁月中都要付诸实践,无论你身处人生的高峰还是低谷。让例行工作成为你的指南针,引导你走向卓越。接受它,不要将其视为限制,而是将其视为塑造未来成功之路的工具。(节选) —— IHP学术副主任:Mr. Evans Swipe for the English So, I encourage each one of you not only to set your pursuits and establish routines for the next five years but to carry this practice into the years that follow—through the highs and lows of life. Let routine be your compass, guiding you towards excellence. Embrace it not as a limitation, but as a tool shaping the path to your future successes. --- Mr. Evans, Deputy Director of Academics 亲爱的孩子,请放心去飞吧 我们永远是你们的后盾 家长代表孙婧女士 情深意切的寄语 那是父母们对大家的殷殷期盼 Swipe for the English Go ahead, my dear child, We'll always be there for you. Ms. Sun, as the representative of parent gave us a heartfelt speech. That's the great blessing from our parents for all of you. 向前冲吧!我的孩子!人生是一场超级长跑,不管今天你有多难过,一年后,这都不是事儿!没有什么不可能,只有你觉得不可能!忘记昨天的你,直面今天的你,重新定义明天的你!从18岁开始,让 “复盘”成为你生命的一部分!相信相信的力量!(节选) —— 家长代表:孙婧女士 Swipe for the English Go Ahead! My child! Life is a marathon; no matter how tough today you may be, it won't matter a year from now! Nothing is impossible, it's only your perception that makes it seem so. Forget the person you were yesterday, confront who you are today, as well as redefine who you'll be tomorrow! Starting from 18th years old, let "reflection" become a part of your life! Believe in the power of Belief! --- Ms. Sun, parents representative 蓦然回首青春路 追梦路上始终有你我相伴 师弟师妹们以歌为媒 为各位学长学姐送上最真挚的祝福 Swipe for the English We have a lot of friends along with us on the road of pursuing our dreams. Our schoolmates from different grades sent their blessings to us by singing songs ★ IHP十一年级的杨晋铭同学带来歌曲《勋章》 《Medal》song by Jerry from IHP G11 ★ I-EP七年级的张希儿同学带来歌曲《This is me》 《This is me》song by Silvy from I-EP G7 一场仪式,输不尽拳拳之意, 家长把纪念礼物与家书 郑重交予孩子 孩子们接过爱意,回赠献花 谢谢您为我付出的一切 我定不负您的期待 Swipe for the English Parents gave the memorial gifts and letters to their children The children accepted the love and returned the flowers. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I would never disappoint you 执绮梦,迎焰势,拥灿阳 祝福所有迈入十八岁的同学们 愿你在盎然的人生里永远被爱环绕 凌云壮志,不负年华 执梦飞扬,坚定前行 Swipe for the English Dear students who are 18 years old, IHP wish you all the best May you always be surrounded by love. Be ambitious and keep fighting. Your dream will come true in one day. 成人礼照片直播 More Photos