【Club Fair】Choose What You Love at the Club Fair!丨华外IHP国际高中
On April 27, 2022, IHP students had a chance to explore club and activity options for the rest of the semester. The third term of clubs and activities will begin May 9th, or Week 13, and will run through week 19.
Clubs, like Frisbee and Dance, were offered in both previous terms. Other clubs, like Volunteering and Games and Brain Training, were also offered, but have changed focus or have been updated. Splitting the semester into several terms allows the school to offer a greater variety of activities. In addition, students are encouraged to branch out and try new activities, without needing to commit to one activity for an entire semester.
★ The club fair was hosted by Mr. Rittmann.
Our new Cooking, Investing, 3D Printing, and Painting and Pottery clubs all represent options for students to engage in meaningful activities. Economics is a very popular class and investing is an avenue for students to apply their theoretical knowledge. 3D printing is a fantastic application of scientific knowledge and is becoming an increasingly relevant and crucial technology. Of course, everyone loves to eat, but learning how to cook is a great life skill! Painting and Pottery will give students a creative outlet and a chance to express themselves in new ways.
Finally, Basketball and Badminton are very popular among students. One of the missing elements of simply enjoying these sports, is a sense of commitment and discipline. The basketball team was formed with this in mind, instating requirements for students who want to participate and setting a rigorous training schedule. Following the success of the basketball team, we hope to give the same opportunities to students who would like to devote more of their focus and time to Badminton.
2022年4月27日,IHP的学生们参加了本学期Term-3的俱乐部(社团)活动推介会。通过咨询,学生可以更清楚地了解社团的内容,从而做出更合适的选择。Term-3的俱乐部(社团)活动将从5月9日开始.本学期Term-3的俱乐部(社团)活动将开展7周。 本阶段开设的俱乐部(社团)活动,包括飞盘俱乐部、舞蹈俱乐部、志愿者俱乐部、游戏与大脑训练俱乐部等等,这些俱乐部在之前的一、二阶段都有提供。但是,有一些俱乐部,像志愿者俱乐部、游戏与大脑训练俱乐部,他们的关注内容会在第三阶段发生变化与相应提升。把一个学期分成几个阶段,有利于IHP为学生提供更丰富的活动。此外,IHP非常鼓励学生拓展视野,尝试新的俱乐部活动,而不是整个学期都只参加同样的俱乐部。 IHP俱乐部(社团)活动的目标是让学生走出教室,拓宽他们的视野。飞盘活动是一项新的流行运动,能让学生保持活跃,锻炼健身。舞蹈能让学生通过音乐,用身体释放自我。志愿服务俱乐部则能让学生与周围社区进行互动,并促使他们以一种有意义的方式为社区做出贡献。在游戏与大脑训练的俱乐部中,学生可以自由地尝试各种线下多人游戏项目,进行社交与战略合作。某些游戏专注于让学生挑战自我,更有利于提高他们的思维敏锐度。 作为IHP Term-3的新成员,烹饪俱乐部、投资俱乐部、3D打印俱乐部、绘画俱乐部和陶艺俱乐部对学生来说,都是极具意义的。IHP的学分课程中,经济课是非常受欢迎的,而投资俱乐部则为学生提供了让他们把理论知识应用到生活实际的一条途径。3D打印正成为一项与人们生活日益相关和关键的技术,3D打印俱乐部则是对科学知识的奇妙应用。除此以外,应了中国的俗话“民以食为天”,所以学习烹饪其实也是在学习一项伟大的生活技能!绘画和陶艺俱乐部有利于培养学生的创造力,让学生们探索出全新的方式来表达自己。 篮球和羽毛球在学校中很受学生欢迎。但是,如果只是简单随意地享受这些运动,那么便会缺失一种承诺和纪律感。于是,篮球队成立了,篮球队向所有参加的学生提出一系列的要求,并制定了严格的训练计划。爱好羽毛球的小伙伴们在本学期也拥有了同样的机会,他们复制了篮球队的成功,创建了"IHP羽毛球队”。 这些俱乐部(社团)活动的重点是让学生有机会探索和发展自己的兴趣。我们希望能继续提供对任何类型的学生都有吸引力的俱乐部(社团)活动,其中的关键是让学生根据自己的兴趣独立做出选择,这将有利于他们日后做决定时,能够为自己的未来做出更好的判断。