
毕业•声 | Guangzhou 좋아



AEP 喜欢玩牌的韩国学生Peter

         Park Mingyu 朴珉��   Peter  

                韩国  AEP Year 12 

Hobbies: bicycle, longboard, golf,  cardistry, football, photography




I came to this school in 2016, my English was really poor at the first begining, and I haven't learnt Chinese before. The only few Chinese sentence that I knew was just very simple sentence, like counting numbers  "1234….," "Ni Chi Fan Le Ma?" "Ren Shi Ni Hen Gao Xing". In the first year, language was the biggest challenge for me. 

三年前,Peter的爸爸的工作地点由韩国迁移到了广州,他也因此来到了这个陌生的国家。完全不同的语言环境,完全不同的文化,以及全新的教学方式都是他需要面对的困难。初来乍到的他,不仅英文水平很弱,中文也只懂数数 “1, 2, 3, 4...." “你吃饭了吗?” “认识你很高兴” 等句子。


  ▲ 喜欢滑板的Peter

I spent my first year to adjust to the new environment.  I am keen on learning new language. And the first thing that I want to achieve is my knowledge of Chinese culture. As we know, the world is getting internationalized. Language is an important tool to get to know the culture. It is cool to learn Chinese. And as long as I learn another language, it is easier for me to learn their culture. Making Chinese friends is a good way to improve my Chinese and learn Chinese culture. As for my English, I often talked with the foreign teachers and asked them to help with some grammar, slang, expressions. At this school, Spanish is also compulsory course. I like Spanish class and I got good score of Spanish.

Peter在第一年花了很多时间适应环境,他认为自己来中国读书最希望实现的就是克服语言障碍,并了解更多中国文化。他说 “ 随着这个世界越来越国际化,语言将成为了解文化的重要工具。” 对语言学习有浓厚兴趣的他,通过在美高的中文课的努力学习积极主动与中国同学交朋友适应全新的语言环境。在美高全英文授课的环境下,他的英语也不断提高。现在,Peter已经能流利得用中文与我进行交流,虽然带着有趣的口音,却时不时得蹦出 “心态崩了”、"C 位"等词汇。在美高,西班牙语是必修课,也是Peter最喜欢的外语课。同时掌握三门外语的他,在西班牙语课也取得了优异的成绩。


When I was in middle school, I always just slept in classes, and failed in subjest tests. After I came this school, I made up my mind to make acedemic achievement. From 10th Grade, I tried my best to catch up classes, master every single subject and finish homework. At that time, my timetable was very tight. In the first two years, it is very often that I prepare the test until 2am. As a foreign student, I wanted to make much more effort to achieve high score than my Chinese classmates. In my second year, I started to prepare for TOEFL test. With the aim to achieve my target in limited time,  I made detailed timetable and study plan and made full of my extra time. I learnt 40-60 new vocaburies everyday. Whenever I learn new grammar I try to use those in the conversation or make new sentence. 


 ▲ 高尔夫球练习

根据Peter所描述,他在初中的时候经常是上课睡觉,考试挂科,并不知道怎么学好学科;但是来中国之后他意识到要为自己的学习成绩负责,也下定决心要把自己的未来好好规划准备。10年级那年对于他来说是最煎熬的一年,适应新环境,学习语言以及提高学科成绩让他常常完全没有空闲的时间;偷偷得用小台灯学习到凌晨两点对他来说也是常有的的事情。11年级那年他开始准备托福、AP考试等其他标化成绩。“ 为了达到目标,我给自己制定了学习计划以便充分利用自己的时间。” 每天强制自己要掌握40-60个的新托福词汇,每次学习了新的语法之后一定会把新的语法知识点用在新的句子和对话中。就这样日积月累,每天不断地进步,再加上英语课上老师的辅导,Peter最终取得了理想的托福成绩。



▲ 在iPad上满满的词汇打卡记录


As regard to the application, Tracy and Mr. Park helped me and supported me a lot. Tracy gave a lot of suggestions about choosing appropriate universities, also helped me with advising my personal statement and essays.  Mr. Park is the Korean teacher in this school and he has been teaching here for 3 years. He often give me suggestions when I met difficulties. Now I got offer from George Mason Univeristy, without their help, I think it is hard to make it.

目前Peter已经在升学指导老师Tracy以及华外韩国老师朴老师的帮助指导下拿到了George Mason University的录取。“很感谢Tracy在给我选学校的时候给了很多建议,也一直耐心地帮助我修改文书”。另一个对Peter影响重大的是来自韩国的朴老师;朴老师在华师外校工作多年,负责教授韩语课程,并负责帮助在华外的韩国学生们适应环境,升学沟通等。“当我遇到困难,他总是把我当作自己的孩子一样,帮助我、指导我。


▲ 摄影练习

I like Guangzhou, it's cool that I can improve my Chinese if I stay here, and it feels like I can have more freedom living in China. Besides, the relationship between people is closer.  In Korea, students normally have to use "respectful words" when they talking with their teachers and seniors, however, I don't feel sense of distance when I talked with my teachers in here. Chinese food is awesome as well. My favorite Chinese food is Dim sum, Yangrou Chuan and Huoguo.

“我喜欢广州,我觉得学中文很酷。” Peter觉得呆在中国比在韩国自由,人与人之间的关系也比较亲近。通过学习汉语,他也感受到很多文化差异在语言上的表达。比如在韩国,敬语的使用非常严格;只要是对年长者,老师或者是陌生人,都使用敬语。而虽然中文中也有敬语,但是对于敬语的使用却比韩国随意。在美高,他觉得跟老师们的关系就像朋友一样,可以一起谈心,可以一起开玩笑。中国美食也是吸引Peter的一大原因,他最喜欢广州的点心,羊肉串和火锅。


I think I became much more independent during these three years. I made a lot of important decisions by myself, and also I have improved my learning capability and made acedemic achievements. I am ready for the university life !



 ▲ 自行车练习


Address: No.2, Science Road, Science City, Guangzhou

Hotline: 020-32051466

Email: iltgz@scnufl.com

Website: http://www.flsilt.cn





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